If you’ve got a crib dock or any dock with a permanent foundation, pay close attention to erosion around the base. As time passes, water can wear away the gravel or soil that supports your dock system. If the foundation becomes unstable, the dock won’t be far behind.
Speaking of supports, the piling docks that hold your structure in place need regular check-ups from professionals. Pilings can be damaged by marine life, water, or ice, leading to cracks or splits. If your dock’s pilings are shot, the whole thing is going down—literally. So keep an eye out for any cracking, warping, or splitting in these key structural elements.
With over 25 years of combined experience
Foothill Dock and Lift Repair are experts when it comes to building docks.
If you’ve got a wooden boat dock, it’s no surprise that water exposure can eventually lead to rot. Wooden decking can start looking pretty gnarly after some time, with loose boards and soft spots that make your dock unsafe. You don’t want to step onto a board that will snap under your feet, right?
Now that you know the different types of dock damage, let’s talk about how to spot it. Here are some tell-tale signs that your boat dock might be in trouble:
Does your boat dock move more than it should when boats tie up to it? A little bit of sway is normal with floating docks, but if you’ve got a permanent dock and it’s moving even a bit, that’s a serious problem. The dock could be coming loose from its foundation, which will cause major issues down the road.
If you notice your boat dock sagging or bending in the middle, or if the dock platform isn’t level, you’ve likely got some serious structural damage. This could mean the supports underneath (like pilings or crib foundations) are having serious problems. A sagging or bending dock isn’t just unsightly—it’s a safety hazard.
For docks made of wood, look for visible signs of darkened wood, rot, soft spots, or areas that feel squishy. For docks made of metal, look for rust spots or areas where the metal is flaking. Both are signs that your dock is decaying and needs attention ASAP.
The simplest sign of boat dock damage is right under your feet. If your dock platform feels unstable, with wobbly or loose boards, it’s time to investigate. This is particularly common with wooden decking, which can warp or loosen with the passage of time. Not only is it unsafe, but it’s a big fat red flag that more serious damage could lurk below.
By keeping these tips in mind and by professional regular inspection, you’ll be well-prepared to identify structural damage in your dock and take the right steps to keep your dock’s foundation safe and your waterfront retreat in prime condition.
Foothills Docks brings over 20 years of experience in dock construction and expert maintenance of your boat dock, having assembled and installed more than 1,500 docks. We specialize in delivering low-maintenance boat dock solutions that are perfect for Lake Keowee and Lake Hartwell.
As a family-owned business, we are listed as knowledgeable contractors with Duke Energy. We assist with the permitting process, ensuring our dock designs are engineered and approved.
With our team’s 55+ years of combined experience, we guarantee top-notch services for all your dock needs—from fabrication and installation to full dock manufacturing. Call our dock construction specialists to learn more!