When is The Right Time To Replace Your Boat Lifts?
Buying a boat is an investment in itself. Boats are expensive and require a lot of maintenance. You have to keep them in running condition or else they can get problematic presenting many issues. When you make such an investment, it’s wise enough to keep it in its original condition so you don’t lose your money. Boat lifts are one of the things that keep your boats in original condition. Hence, you need to assess when’s the right time to replace your boat lifts.
A boat lift is an apparatus that helps you suspend your boat in mid-air so you can prevent it from getting corroded and also to get a clearer view of how things are on the undersurface of the ship/boat.
Why Are Boat Lifts Used?
As mentioned, boat lifts are used to suspend the boats from the water. That means you can thoroughly clean the undersurface and check for any damages. People who purchase boats as an investment usually don’t use them that often. So, to prevent any corrosion and decaying of the body of the boat, it is suspended from the water and preserved in a safe space.
Any sort of repairs is also done by using boat lifts. The lift cables that are attached to the boat are strong enough to keep the boat suspended in the air for days. There are a lot of other things that play a huge role in the life of a boatlift. A boat lift motor is what generates enough power to lift a heavy-weight boat.
Boat Lift Maintenance
There are a lot of things involved in the maintenance of boat lifts. A boat lift apparatus is just the platform on which the boat sits in fact, there are other components attached to it that need to be replaced or repaired.
Boat Lift Cables
A boat lift cable, as the name suggests, is a cable that serves the purpose of attaching the boat lift to the lift motor. This cable has enough strength to with-hold tons of weight without breaking. However, its frequent use leads to slight damage with time and needs to be repaired or replaced. After all, you don’t want your expensive boat to fall from mid-air because of a faulty cable.
There are two types of problems a lift cable can face. One is “Internal Cable Abrasion” which happens when the strands of the cable work against each other and get damaged by continuous friction. An easy fix for this is to keep the cable itself lubricated so the strands can rub freely with each other without creating wear and tear.
The other is “External Abrasion” which happens when the points of cable in contact with the pulley system get damaged. This can also be fixed by lubricating that region. However, since the cable has solid strands, it is very likely to observe cable bends. Cable bends can cause a lot of further issues as it weakens the cable from that region hence, making it brittle and fragile.
Since the boat lift is in constant contact with water, it is highly possible for it to become rusted. As the wet platform is suspended in air, it becomes exposed to oxygen which causes a chemical reaction and leads to corrosion or rust.
How is Rust treated then? What is the right way to remove rust from your boat/boat lift and make it durable once again? Ideally, when you discover rust, you should be focusing on first removing it from the surface. After that is done, the surface then needs treatment for it so no rust can form again. After you have cleaned out all the rust it is time for the surface to be rubbed using sanding paper to even it out. This is a lengthy process that ends up adding layers of corrosion-free pain to the surface that keeps it protected.
Winch Drum
The lifespan of your lift cable will depend on the care and maintenance it receives, the type of cable you have, and the number of times it’s used. The cable experiences wear every time you lower or raise the boat over the winch drum. The stand of wire moves at varying speeds. When abrasion occurs, some strands will become loose, which causes the cable to lose its strength.
What is The Proper Lift Cable Maintenance?
Lift cables can be replaced with a visual inspection of the cables for a better decision. The most effective method for inspection of the boat hull is when it is in dry terrain. It’s a good idea to position the lifting station in a low position. Keep the cables from falling down. Examine the vertical length of the cable, particularly around the Winchell. Check the length of the cable to see the frayed wire. Wear gloves to keep your hands off the cables. A broken piece may be very damaging to unprotected hands.
How Long Will a Boat Lift Last?
The boat has an enormous amount of cash in it. It will remain in your hands long into its existence. It’s very normal to have a lift system that lasts a little less than a boat. The lifts on boats have been built for 25+ years with good service and maintenance. It generally takes longer to operate the boat lift. Take into consideration these areas when maintaining your yacht lift schedule.
Lift Cables and Pulleys
Lubricate cables using penetrating oil, and abrasive grease. Replace the cable with rust, cracked cords, and frayed or twisted cords. Make sure that lifting pullies are lubricated. Always check for tightness of screws. Check your winch drum as the cable winds up to prevent any slippage. Never let your lifting cable fall out. If a slack line happens, it can cause damage. It looks like retaliation against a fishing pole, just with the rigid welded wire. This may seem difficult. Never use screws with any tools when trying to remove the wire. There’s a high likelihood that injuries will occur.
Motors, Gearboxes, and Drive Units
Check the boat lift for signs of corrosion or water retention. Check if there are any holes in the motors/winches. The bottom hole is needed to ensure proper drainage. Makes a yearly inspection of motor and transmission components. Check the correct positioning of cables & cables, as there may be damage and there may also be areas that need lubrication.
Warnings About Weight
A boat lift can handle the boat’s weight and the tools it holds. A 20-foot yacht averages about 4,000 to 6000 lbs. These include oil, water, gas, and engines. Keep everyone out of the boat while it is lifted for safety reasons. When you don’t use the boat remove the drain plug from the side. Rainwater is insufficient for collection and adds weight (approximately 8 kg/gallon).
Lift Beams
Inspect all bunks for damage and also check the flooring underneath for cracks. Lifts should remain off the water during use. Better of all, get an aluminum/vinyl package that will save time replacing the carpet. Make sure your screws are tightened and make sure your bunks are properly aligned with your boat.
Your boat is a valuable investment that is worth protecting for the long term. The boat lift system should have an extended life than the boat itself. Boat lifts are built to last for at least 25 years. Take note of the possibility to have problems with this as part of a regular boat lifting operation. The right time for replacement is dependent upon various situations such as deterioration or a broken cable. The cables on the boat are among the most common parts which are required for proper cleaning. The frequency of replacing a lifting cable depends upon an examination. There are several important factors that must be checked. Check the cable lift and then check its vertical length first. Do not inspect cables without gloves or rubber gloves. Sliding hands onto a cable could lead to injury or an accident. It is constructed of several wire strands and wraps with varying lengths. In excess corrosion and fraying cables, they may cause damage.
So when is the right time to replace your lifts? Since dock lifts are becoming more and more common, it is pertinent that dock owners consider a professional and expert service that ensures the quality of their lift setup.
FootHills Dock & Lift Repair offers a variety of boat and boat lift maintenance services. With the winter season approaching, you can rely on our services as we can effectively help you winterize your boat. We guarantee that your boat will retain its original condition after the season ends. We also provide lift removal, dock resurfacing, boat and dock maintenance, dock cleaning, and others. Contact us today and book an appointment!